In Douglas Railway Station, Isle of Man.
It was a bright sunny day with a carnival atmosphere.
I settled in the corner of the waiting room cum restaurant, with my back to the wall of polished wood panels and a mug of hot tea in front of me on the table. The waiting room was spick and span, old, but admirably maintained and full of character. It was an ideal setting for the commemorations.
On this Sunday the local people and visitors were commemorating the end of the Second World War. There were people in uniform or in period civilian dress seated or milling about. And, outside a trio of female singers in R.A.F. uniform was singing songs of the war years, perfectly emulating the style of the period.
I sat, unnoticed, occasionally sipping my mug of tea, observing the people before me and sketched awhile.
I felt as if I had stepped back in time!