Today, I had two appointments in Basingstoke with a few hours between them. I took advantage of the time to seek out some interesting buildings.
The Lutyens Building
Edwin Lutyens, a highly successful British architect, ran a brick and tile works in Basingstoke in the early 20th century. Apparently, the local clay was of superior quality. The office building still survives, nestling incongruously amongst the modern industrial units of the Kingsland Estate.

Hampshire Treasures (the County Council’s list of wonderful things in Hampshire) says:
Former office of Daneshill Brick and Tile Works. Designed 1909 by Lutyens, to display the company’s products at the Olympia Building Exhibition. Single storey of red brick with tiled roof. ‘Tudor’ moulded brick chimneys. Parapet of brick and tile. Bay windows with brick mullions and transoms. Brick fireplaces.
Not one of Hampshire’s Treasures, the nearby Thermofisher Scientific site has an impressive white chimney.

The Chapel of the Holy Ghost
Just up the hill from the railway station lie the ruins of the Chapel of the Holy Ghost.
Hampshire Treasures says:
Holy Ghost, South View. Built between 1214 and 1244. Originally a chancel and nave with a tower at the west end. Fragment remaining in cemetery is part of tower, used for many years as a schoolroom. Remains of inserted 4-centred arch and C.15 window survive.
I am unduly fond of ruins. Now that I have found it (it was the first time that I have visited either of these “treasures”), I may have to return…